Open The Mic Newsletter — What Did You Miss in Podcast News? — Is Joe Rogan’s Spotify Exclusivity Damaging His Relevance?

Brett Johnson
3 min readMay 5, 2021

This issue brought to you by USA Access hosting services.

Thanks to Eric Pennington, co-host of Spirit of EQ Podcast for sending us this about Joe Rogan…

Is Joe Rogan’s Spotify Exclusivity Damaging His Relevance?

Thanks to Spirit of EQ ZeroHedge — On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

SiriusXM acquires Roman Mars’ 99% Invisible and a bigger stake in the podcasting
SiriusXM is buying Roman Mars’ 99% Invisible Inc. He and his team will join Stitcher and create new shows for the company.

It’s all about audio: how to make the most of podcasting and social

With major announcements from both Apple and Facebook, it seems both podcasting and social audio are a keen focus for world’s biggest tech players.

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A website for your podcast offers independence from other platforms’ rules and restrictions. It can be the central storage unit for everything to do with your podcast, from episodes, to show notes, to those crime scene photos that you spent ages scanning. And it’s another way to stand out in the the big, wide internet and attract new listeners. Contact USA Access today.

Facebook introduces a new miniplayer that streams Spotify from the Facebook
One important thing to note here about how all this works is that the integration allows the music or podcast content to actually play from within the Spotify app. When a user presses play on the miniplayer, an app switch takes place so the user can log into Spotify. The miniplayer activates and controls the launch and playback in the Spotify app — which is how the playback is able continue even as the user scrolls on Facebook or if they minimize the Facebook app altogether.

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Thank you for your support!

- Brett

Stay in touch at Contact me if you have any news about the podcast space you would like me to include. And it will include a big shout out to you and your podcast!

